Partnership Work

“The work and results the team at Spires do is incredible and really makes a difference to the most marginalized in society”

Spires is committed to working in partnership with other agencies both statutory and voluntary. These relationships enable our staff to access any additional specialist help our clients need and prevents duplication of work. Key partnerships include other organisations supporting homeless people, specialist drug and alcohol treatment and support agencies, primary healthcare services, providers of both emergency and permanent accommodation and local authority social care teams. Additionally, we maintain an important close relationship with community police, updating them with any incidents regarding our service users, to help keep certain individuals and the community safe. 

Some organisations complement the services we provide by referring individuals to Spires for them to receive help. Our Integrated Welfare Advice Service works in partnership with SLAM to support psychiatric inpatients and offers ongoing support at the point of discharge. Many service users have attended following discharge from SLAM as many are homeless and in need of immediate support. We are very community focused, looking to help local individuals in whichever way we can, meaning we work closely with Lambeth Council, who often refer clients to our centre and to which we report back to.

Working alongside homeless outreach teams, we receive visits from service users who have been referred by these teams. Each service user receives a different network of support based upon their needs. We work closely with Pathways Housing to help get service users into accommodation that are in desperate need. Individuals that are dealing with alcohol or substance abuse are referred to local drug and alcohol treatment, mainly Wandsworth Community Drug & Alcohol Service. Spires also keeps close ties with JobCentrePlus to help provide job opportunities for certain clients who are looking for work. Our support network plays a crucial role in us receiving clients and in how we look to help them with the issues they’re facing.